Meet the team! Splash Physiotherapy 2018

We are looking forward to starting our bike riding intensive 22nd January 2018 and then all physiotherapy services January 29th 2018.
So far we have 2 physiotherapists and 2 physiotherapy assistants ready to start playing towards your goals. We are still recruiting a further physiotherapist - if you know someone great, send them our way!
Shayna "Shana" Gavin
Principal Splash Physiotherapist
Shayna started Splash Physiotherapy in 2010 to create a flexible physiotherapy service that could meet the individual needs of families. The core purpose of Splash Physiotherapy is to help babies, children and young people learn functional skills to participate in everyday life. Shayna is working clinically in all services offered at Splash, developing and supporting the Splash team, and driving the Sports and Recreation Intensives program starting in 2018.
She graduated from physiotherapy at the University of Melbourne in 2002 and has since completed extensive further study in paediatrics, aquatics, neurodevelopment, motor learning, motor control, pain, and evidence informed practice in early childhood intervention.
Alexander "Alex" Cowcher
Splash Physiotherapist
Alex graduated from his physiotherapy course in 2017 from University of Melbourne, having previously completed Bachelor of Science (Hons) 2013.
He was a Splash Physiotherapy assistant in 2017 working with children and young people in the pool as well as on land.
Alex is a keen sportsman and is also happy in the water - as a child he happened to learn to swim at one of the swimming schools we work with, Van Dyk’s Swimming in Greensborough!
Alex is excited to be a Splash Physiotherapist this year, providing individual land and aquatic physiotherapy, pathways to swimming, and sports and recreation intensives.
Khiang "Kee - Ang" Trinh
Splash Physiotherapy Assistant
Khiang is finishing his physiotherapy course 2018 at the University of Melbourne. He has been loving his physiotherapy placements including paediatrics and aquatics.
He has previously completed Bachelor of Science (Hons) 2014.
He works as a sports trainer for an local AFL club, and has volunteered with the Cerebral Palsy Support Network.
He loves playing basketball, table tennis and soccer, and has coached and umpired junior cricket. He’s very happy in the water and snowboarding down mountains too!
Zoe Bacolas
Splash Physiotherapy Assistant
Zoe is finishing her physiotherapy course 2018 at the University of Melbourne, having previously completed Bachelor of Science (Hons) 2014 and Bachelor Biomedical Science 2012. She has enjoyed her physiotherapy placements including paediatrics and aquatics.
She has worked as a sleep scientist, responsible for patients coming in for overnight sleep studies.
She has volunteered with the Royal Children’s Hospital Teddy Bear Hospital, Surf Life Saving Victoria on patrol (first aid, rescues), and overseas in the Phillipines, South Africa, Fiji and Ecuador.
She has grown up around the pool and the beach, and loves being in the water!