Email hello@splash.physio
Phone (03) 4422 2970
Aquatic and land physiotherapy for babies, children & young people

What are your child's strengths? How can we support them?
Equipment prescription
Assessment for equipment needs
We can help you with assessment for your child's equipment needs. From seating, modified prams, wheelchairs, standing frames, balance bikes to modified tricycles, we can help you out.
We collaborate with your medical, therapy and education team to come up with the solution best for your child and your family.
See our blog post about equipment that supports us to participate in our everyday lives
See more about physiotherapy visits
See more about inclusion and participation in sport and leisure activities
See more about participation
Collaboration with childcare, kindergarten and school
Collaboration with your education centre is important in coming up with a solution that meets everyone's needs.
See more about inclusion and participation at childcare , kinder and school
See more about transition to kindergarten and school
We are registered Betterstart providers and can apply to have your equipment funded under your Betterstart eligibility.
We are also registered SWEP prescribers (State Wide Equipment Program).
Shayna is a red level prescriber for specialised seating, walking aids and orthotics; amber for transfer equipment, and green for beds and pressure chair, and bath toilet.
See more about funding
Assisting in buying equipment under your Betterstart funding where your Speech Pathologist or Occupational Therapist is not registered
We are registered Betterstart providers and can apply to have your equipment funded under your Betterstart eligibility.
There are some specific Betterstart requirements we need to complete to make this possible, so contact us and we can collaborate with your therapy team to work out a plan together.