Email hello@splash.physio
Phone (03) 4422 2970
Aquatic and land physiotherapy for babies, children & young people

Splash Adventure Club™
Did you miss a Splash Adventure ™?
We have back up plans in place in case you miss out on an Adventure!
Families receive all resources and a private website with videos taken on the day, so that they can go and do the Adventure themselves! Some families have joined up to go together when they've missed out, and sometimes a family who did attend has gone along again with a family who couldn't make it.
There's lots of options, and we want to provide the resources to make it as easy for you as we can.
If you missed an Adventure we will send you a temporary password for the relevant resources.
One of our families sent in this feedback after using our resources for an adventure they had to miss out:
"The make up resources for the Splash Adventure Club was great. It was well presented and easy to follow. We were able to do it in our spare time. The kids didn’t feel as though missed out on the adventure!" - Kristy
Not currently enrolled in Splash Adventure Club™?
Splash Adventure Club is open to children currently working with Splash Physiotherapy. Goals span each quarter, and build towards big exciting goals at the end of the year!
If you'd like to find out more, please talk to your Splash Physiotherapist ™ about enrolling in the next quarter.
Find out more about Splash Adventure Club™ and what we have planned for the year here!

Splash Adventure Club
Click here for the videos showing what we got up to on our Adventure so you can have a go too!
Use the temporary password emailed to you
Also use the hard copies of resources, so you've got everything you need just like everyone else had!