Shayna Gavin, Splash Principal Physiotherapist
- Nov 12, 2020
- 2 min
Telehealth in the bath? Sure, why not!
ID: baby and mother in their bath. They are practising sitting balance, wearing bathers, and smiling at each other and the camera....
Alexander Cowcher, Splash Physiotherapist
- Nov 5, 2020
- 4 min
Are jolly jumpers helpful?
Jolly jumpers can be great fun, but carry risks for motor development and musculoskeletal injury for babies and toddlers.
Shayna Gavin, Splash Principal Physiotherapist
- Dec 8, 2016
- 2 min
Do you remember CPR? DRSABCD?
It's nearly summer holidays. Yay! Playing in the pool, relaxing by the beach (with an ever watchful eye on the littlies of course!) Time...
Shayna Gavin, Splash Principal Physiotherapist
- Jun 28, 2016
- 4 min
Training swim teachers to work with babies and toddlers
I had the pleasure of presenting the ASCTA Babies and Toddlers course to a group of swimming teachers at this week. It's a fantastic...
Shayna Gavin, Splash Principal Physiotherapist
- Feb 22, 2016
- 2 min
A child is choking. Do you know what to do?
I just updated my CPR training over the weekend, alongside a bunch of the swimming teachers I often share the pools with. I've been doing...
Shayna Gavin, Splash Principal Physiotherapist
- Apr 15, 2015
- 3 min
Do we worry about w - sitting?
Why do children use w - sitting? Children who w - sit often do it because it's a stable position, requiring little muscle activity, so...
Shayna Gavin, Splash Principal Physiotherapist
- Jan 7, 2015
- 2 min
Become a water hero!!
We love the water. This is a quick online questionnaire to help you become more aware of ways to stay safer around water, from the...
Shayna Gavin, Splash Principal Physiotherapist
- Nov 13, 2014
- 2 min
Are baby walkers helpful?
Baby walkers continue to be sold in toy shops and used in child care centres. However I strongly discourage their use, as does the Royal...
Shayna Gavin, Splash Principal Physiotherapist
- Oct 30, 2014
- 1 min
Research survey: swimming inclusion for people with a disability
Research Project Survey - Swimming Inclusion for People with a Physical Disability Katrina Murphy at the University of the Sunshine Coast...
Shayna Gavin, Splash Principal Physiotherapist
- Oct 1, 2014
- 1 min
World Cerebral Palsy Day
We're proud to support World Cerebral Palsy Day. They're seeking ideas to change the world for people with cerebral palsy. You can post...