Shayna Gavin, Splash Principal Physiotherapist
Jul 13, 20222 min read
Wintry sunshine for the July intensives
We thoroughly enjoyed our July intensive in the wintry sunshine! We did land and bike riding sessions in the mornings, then hit our...

Shayna Gavin, Splash Principal Physiotherapist
Jul 10, 20221 min read
Your Splash team for term 3!
Introducing your Splash Physiotherapy team for term 3 From left to right: Rebecca Bacusmo Alice Dacey Georgia Cooke Shayna Gavin We are...

Shayna Gavin, Splash Principal Physiotherapist
May 1, 20222 min read
Goals smashed in our April intensive!
We were thrilled to welcome our new physio, Georgia to our Splash Physio team for our April intensives! Bec, Georgia and myself delivered...

Shayna Gavin, Splash Principal Physiotherapist
Apr 26, 20221 min read
Welcome Georgia!
Welcome to Georgia, Splash Physiotherapist, providing land, aquatic and intensives physiotherapy!