Shayna Gavin, Splash Principal Physiotherapist
Nov 29, 20223 min read
"There's many ways to swim" a lecture on participation for the APA
Shayna presented to the APA on the many ways to support participation in swimming across the lifespan.
Shayna Gavin, Splash Principal Physiotherapist
Dec 24, 20171 min read
Happy Christmas & safe holidays!
Just a short note to say Happy Christmas to all of our Splash families! Hope you enjoy the break of routine, some time with your family...
Shayna Gavin, Splash Principal Physiotherapist
Nov 20, 20173 min read
No Drown Town week!
Splash kids will join in with swim safer activities at both of the swim schools we work with over the next two weeks during their aquatic...
Shayna Gavin, Splash Principal Physiotherapist
Apr 8, 20172 min read
Pathways to swimming
We are receiving many requests for helping children and young people get into swimming. There are many different pathways, and we've...
Shayna Gavin, Splash Principal Physiotherapist
Jan 12, 20176 min read
The joys and risks of jetty jumping
Jumping off jetties, boats, rocks and sea walls was always one of my favourite things to do in the ocean and at rock pools. But it's...